Recent Journal Publications
Fisk, Raymond P. and Linda Alkire (2021), "Service Ecosystem Health: A Transformative Approach to Elevating Service Science," Service Science, 13 (4), 194-204.
Patrício, Lia, Raymond P. Fisk and Bo Edvardsson (2021), "Designing for Transformative Collaboration in Complex Service Systems," in Business Transformation for a Sustainable Future, Samuel Petros Sebhatu, Bo Enquist and Bo Edvardsson, eds. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 73-96.
Fisk, Raymond P. (2021), "Commentary: Enabling Service Wisdom for MEA Organizations and Society," Journal of Services Marketing, 35 (7), 857-860.
Boenigk, Silke, Aaron A. Kreimer, Annika Becker, Linda Alkire, Raymond P. Fisk and Sertan Kabadayi (2021), "Transformative Service Initiatives: Enabling Access and Overcoming Barriers for People Experiencing Vulnerability," Journal of Service Research, 24 (4), 542-562.
Finsterwalder, Jörg, Sertan Kabadayi, Raymond P. Fisk and Silke Boenigk (2021), "Creating Hospitable Service Systems for Refugees During a Pandemic: Leveraging Resources for Service Inclusion," Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 31 (2), 247-263.
Boenigk, Silke, Raymond Fisk, Sertan Kabadayi, Linda Alkire, Lilliemay Cheung, Canan Corus, Jörg Finsterwalder, Aaron A. Kreimer, Nadina Luca, Mansour Omeira, Pallab Paul, Marcos F. Santos and Nina Smidt (2021), "Rethinking Service Systems and Public Policy: A Transformative Refugee Service Experience Framework," Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 40 (2), 165-183.
Fisk, Raymond P., Linda Alkire, Laurel Anderson, David E. Bowen, Thorsten Gruber, Amy L. Ostrom and Lia Patrício (2020), "Elevating the Human Experience (HX) through Service Research Collaborations: Introducing Servcollab," Journal of Service Management, 31 (4), 615-635.
Nasr, Linda and Raymond P. Fisk (2019), "The Global Refugee Crisis: How Can Transformative Service Researchers Help?," The Service Industries Journal, 39 (9-10), 684-700.
Fisk, Raymond, Angie Fuessel, Christopher Laszlo, Patrick Struebi, Alessandro Valera and Carey Weiss (2019), "Systemic Social Innovation: Co-Creating a Future Where Humans and All Life Thrive," Humanistic Management Journal, 4 (2), 191-214.
“Storytelling about places: Tourism marketing in the digital age,” with Clara Bassano, Sergio Barile, Paolo Piciocchi, James C. Spohrer, and Francesca Iandolo, Cities, 2019, Vol. 87, 10-20.
“Design for Service Inclusion: Creating Inclusive Service Systems by 2050,” with Alison M. Dean, Linda Alkire (née Nasr), Alison Joubert, Josephine Previte, Nichola Robertson, and Mark Rosenbaum, Journal of Service Management, 2018, Vol. 29, No. 5, 834-858. Robert Johnston Highly Commended Award.
“Service Design for Value Networks: Enabling Value Cocreation Interactions in Healthcare,” with Lia Patrício, Nelson Pinho, and Jorge Teixeira, Service Science, 2018, Vol. 10, No. 1, 76-97.
“Upframing Service Design and Innovation for Research Impact,” with Lia Patrício and Anders Gustafsson, Journal of Service Research, 2018, Vol. 21, No. 1, 3-16.
“Accelerating Employee-Related Scholarship in Service Management: Research Streams, Propositions, and Commentaries,” with Mahesh Subramony, Karen Ehrhart, Markus Groth, Brooks C. Holtom, Danielle D. van Jaarsveld, Dana Yagil, Tiffany Darabi, David Walker, David E. Bowen, Christian Grönroos, and Jochen Wirtz, Journal of Service Management, 2017, Vol. 28, No. 5, 837-865. Robert Johnston Highly Commended Award.
“The MINDS Method: Integrating Management and Interaction Design Perspectives for Service Design,” with Jorge Teixeira, Lia Patrício, Ko-Hsun Huang, Leonel Nóbrega, and Larry Constantine, Journal of Service Research, 2017, Vol. 20, No. 3, 240-258.
“Value Cocreation in Service Ecosystems: Investigating Health Care at the Micro, Meso, and Macro Levels,” with Gabriela Bierão and Lia Patrício, Journal of Service Management, 2017, Vol. 28, No. 2, 227-249.
“Billions of Impoverished People Deserve to Be Better Served: A Call to Action for the Service Research Community,” with Laurel Anderson, David E. Bowen, Thorsten Gruber, Amy L. Ostrom, Lia Patrício, Javier Reynoso, and Roberta Sebastiani, Journal of Service Management, 2016, Vol. 28, No. 1, 43-55.
“Exposing Pinocchio Customers: Investigating Exaggerated Service Stories,” with Lloyd C. Harris and Hana Sysalova, Journal of Service Management, 2016, Vol. 27, No. 2, 63-90.
“Bridging the Academia-Practitioner Divide: The Case of Service Theater,” with Aidan Daly, Steve Baron, Michael J. Dorsch, Stephen J. Grove, Kim Harris-Cassidy, and Richard Harris, Journal of Services Marketing, 2014, Vol. 28, No. 7, 580-594.
“Understanding Value Co-Creation in Complex Services with Many Actors,” with Nelson Figueiredo de Pinho, Gabriela Bierão, and Lia Patrício, Journal of Service Management, 2014, Vol. 25, No. 4, 470-493.
“The Frontiers in Service Conference: A Twenty-Year Retrospective,” with Michael J. Dorsch and Stephen J. Grove, Service Industries Journal,2014, Vol. 34, No. 6, 477-494.
“Knowledge Dissemination in the Global Service Marketing Community,” with Cristiana Lages, Cláudia Simões and Werner Kunz, Managing Service Quality, 2013, Vol. 23, No. 4, 272-290.
“Transformative Service Research: An Agenda for the Future,” with Laurel Anderson, Amy L. Ostrom, Canan Corus, Raymond P. Fisk, Andrew S. Gallan, Mario Giraldo, Martin Mende, Mark Mulder, Steven W. Rayburn, Mark S. Rosenbaum, Kunio Shirahada, and Jerome D. Williams, Journal of Business Research, 2013, Vol. 66, No. 8, 1203-1210. Emerald Citation of Excellence 2016.
“A Performing Arts Perspective on Service Design,” with Stephen J. Grove,Touchpoint: The Journal of Service Design, 2012, Vol. 4, No. 2, 20-25.
“Customer Experience Modeling: From Customer Experience to Service Design,” with Jorge Teixeira, Lia Patrício, Nuno Jardes Nunes, Leonel Nóbrega, Larry Constantine, Journal of Service Management, 2012, Vol. 23, No. 3, 362-376.
“Conceptualization and Aspirations of Transformative Service Research,” with Mark S. Rosenbaum, Canan Corus, Amy L. Ostrom, Laurel Anderson, Andrew S. Gallan, Mario Giraldo, Martin Mende, Mark Mulder, Steven W. Rayburn, Kunio Shirahada and Jerome D. Williams, Journal of Research for Consumers, 2011, Vol. 19, 1-6.
“Synthesizing Service Design and Service Science for Service Innovation,” with Lia Patrício,Touchpoint: The Journal of Service Design, 2011, Vol. 3, No. 2, 14-16.
“Multilevel Service Design: From Value Constellation to Service Experience Blueprinting,” with Lia Patrício, João Falcão e Cunha, and Larry Constantine, Journal of Service Research, 2011, Vol. 14, No. 2, 180-200. Best JSR Article Award Finalist, Second Place.
“Customers Behaving Badly: A State of the Art Review, Research Agenda and Implications for Practitioners,” with Stephen Grove, Lloyd C. Harris, Dominique Keeffe, Kate Daunt, Rebekah Russell-Bennett, and Jochen Wirtz, Journal of Services Marketing, 2010, Vol. 24, No. 6, 417-429.
“A Customer Liberation Manifesto,” Service Science, 2009, Vol. 1, No. 3, 135-141.
“Requirements Engineering for Multi-Channel Services: The SEB Method and its Application to a Multi-Channel Bank,” with Lia Patrício and João Falcão e Cunha, Requirements Engineering, 2009, Vol. 14, No. 3, 209-227.
“The Impact of Improvisation Training on Service Employees in a European Airline: A Case Study” with Aidan Daly, Stephen Grove, and Michael Dorsch, European Journal of Marketing, 2009, Vol. 34, No. 3/4, 459-472.
“Designing Multi-Interface Service Experiences: The Service Experience Blueprint,” with Lia Patrício and João Falcão e Cunha, Journal of Service Research, 2008, Vol. 10, No. 4, 318-334.
“Epilogue: Untangling the Employee-Customer Interface,” in Journal of Management and Organization, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 2, 219-222.